Landscape & Garden Design
New construction including outdoor living spaces
Pool areas, firepits, contemporary gardens
Native plants, natural gardens and drought resistant landscapes
Coastal landscapes
Vegetable & cutting gardens
Ecological design using pollinators and native perennials.
Installation and Project Management
Plant procurement, layout and installation
Project Management services for larger or more involved installations, including contractor selection and project oversight. We also work closely with town regulatory boards, including conservation.
Robotic mower installation and oversight
Fine Garden Care
Ecological Landscape Management
Annual & perennial garden care
Specialized rose & hydrangea care
Structural & aesthetic pruning
Vegetable garden design, planning and harvesting for all seasons
Full property renovation and plant restoration with an eye towards the future garden and ecological development of a property
Managing invasives
Full service landscape management including oversight of arbor care, mowing, IPM, and snow removal
Garden Enhancements
Enhancing your garden with annual garden design
Using a diversity of annuals and dahlias grown from our greenhouse.
Bedding design for colorful gardens
Cutting gardens-we even create arrangements for you
Container design and care
Bulb planting design for spring through late summer flowers
Seasonal & holiday decor, commercial and residential